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Best Ice Wand Forge

Ice Wand S
Type: Magical | Class: Base
Best Forge: LLL | Best NMM Forge: LRR | Best BB Forge: LLL


Base Weapon
Ice Wand
Base Weapon
Evolved Weapon
Frost Nova

Ice Wand Description: Freezes enemies, attacks closest enemies.

Frost Nova Description: Shoots projectiles that leave a freezing area on impact.

My Take On Ice Wand

I have an unfreezing love for Ice Wand. I think the fact that it freezes the closest enemies make it an S Tier weapon. By definition, closest means highest priority, so it should be freezing things just before they can hit you.

That can help you push levels and content that you might not otherwise be able to clear.

So I have Ice Wand S in early, mid, and late game normal and hard mode. They are S+ in Faction Wars and S in Dungeon, Arena, and Adventure.

They are lower priority, maybe C tier, in Hero Clash.

They are again S+ tier for Nightmare Mode, but F tier in Boss Brawl because they don't freeze the boss.

I personally invested 3,000 Super Tokens into Ice Wand only for Nightmare mode for 4* forge, otherwise I waited until they came around in Arena.

The 3* forge "Frozen Fury" is a decent global buff. It increases damage to frozen by 1.05x.

Duplicator, Area of Effect, and Cooldown are dramatically improve the efficiency of Ice Wand, but they will not do a lot of Damage Per Second (DPS).

They evolve from Life Tome, which does not synergize well in the game. You only evolve Ice Wand in Nightmare Mode, every other mode keeps it unevolved in most builds.

Full Weapon Tier List | How To Build Optimal Weapons

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