Fire Orbs Icon

Best Fire Orbs Forge

Fire Orbs S
Type: Magical | Class: Base
Best Forge: RRR | Best NMM Forge: RRR | Best BB Forge: RLL


Base Weapon
Fire Orbs
Base Weapon
Evolved Weapon
Flame Wheel

Fire Orbs Description: Orange orbs of fire that rotate around the hero. Higher levels increase the number and size of orbs.

Flame Wheel Description: Creates a permanent fire circle, damaging horde around the hero.

My Take On Fire Orbs

Fire Orbs are core to almost every build in the game. They are S in early, mid, and late game normal and hard mode. You want them in Faction Wars, Hero Clash, Dungeon, and Adventure.

They fall to C tier for Nightmare Mode and become hard to apply in Boss Brawl because of the distance between you and the boss. They are 2nd order priority in Areana, so maybe B Tier.

For that reason, it's worth investing Super Tokens into them to get to the 5* forge. I personally invested 3k into them - after they came around in Arena, I used 3,000 Super Tokens to upgrade to 4* forge.

However, the 3* forge "Strong Ember" is not a strong global buff. It only adds 2.5% Effect Duration.

Area of Effect and Cooldown are the two statuses that dramatically improve the Damage Per Second (DPS) of Fire Orbs.

They evolve from Duplicator Tome, which synergizes well across all game types, making it easy to evolve.

Full Weapon Tier List | How To Build Optimal Weapons

Most Common Forge

Fire Orbs Forge

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