The Best Base Weapons And Tomes In Heroes vs Hordes

Welcome to the ultimate Heroes vs. Hordes tier list for both the base weapons and the tomes that power them up! Whether you're just starting out or pushing into Nightmare Mode, choosing the right weapons and tomes can make or break your runs.

Below, you'll find each weapon and tome in its final rank order, with notes on how they perform and when they shine.

Best Weapons weapon tier list

Weapon Tier List

S Tier Weapons

  • Fantastic damage early, mid, and late-game.
  • Often tops damage charts even at very high levels.
  • Ideal for early investment in 4★ or 5★ Forge.
Ice Wand
  • S+ for Nightmare Mode; freezes hordes and elites to keep you safe.
  • Lets you push content higher than usual thanks to crucial crowd control.
  • A smart pick in difficult runs when survival is a concern.
Fire Orbs
  • Core to countless builds, offering solid damage as enemies close in.
  • Evolves with Duplicator Tome (which is itself top-tier).
  • A top priority after Bombs for forging to 4★.

A Tier Weapons

Dragon's Breath.
  • This is the S+early game weapon.From the time you load in with night until you're at like basically legendary gear this is your primary focus.
  • It evolves off of damage tome, which is also a great tome
  • But later in the game, the focus cone just isn't hitting enough horde to make it worth it.
Chain Lightning
  • Great multi-target damage from mid-game onward.
  • Evolves with Duplicator Tome (Thunderbolt).
  • Makes a reliable "third item" and complements most builds.

B Tier Weapons

  • Applies Vulnerability to enemies, boosting total party damage.
  • Only worth upgrading in a build when you have access to 4★ Forge.
  • Great final addition to max DPS builds.
Arcane Wand (Arcane Staff)
  • Powerful in Nightmare Mode and Boss Brawls.
  • Evolves for added burn and potent single-target hits.
  • More niche but extremely useful in certain setups.

C Tier Weapons

  • Evolves into Herowangs, adding slow control.
  • Especially helpful in Arena to deal with tight spaces.
  • Limited damage overall; more of a "control" weapon.
Divine Aura
  • Evolution to Vampire Aura can be a lifesaver early on.
  • Weak pushback; falls off hard in mid/late game.
  • Mild use in Nightmare for minor crowd control, but rarely a priority.

D Tier Weapons

Poison Darts
  • Only noteworthy if you're forced into Evasion Tome.
  • Extremely small area; un-evolved darts feel too weak to matter.
  • Rarely a deliberate pick.
  • Typically the weakest weapon; very limited hits per hammer.
  • Evolving pushes hordes away, reducing total kills.
  • Avoid unless there's truly no alternative.

Tome Tier List

S Tier Tomes

Cooldown Tome

  • Massive 30% cooldown reduction skyrockets your damage.
  • Core in Adventure/Hard Mode. Lets you spam attacks more frequently.
  • Less essential in Nightmare Mode if you're already at 40% cap but otherwise unbeatable.

Area Tome

  • Increases splash zones for bombs, Fire Orbs, Chain Lightning, etc.
  • Evolves Bombs, already an S-tier weapon.
  • Amplifies multi-target damage in almost any build.

A Tier Tomes

Duplicator Tome

  • Adds extra projectiles, boosting multiple weapons at once.
  • Evolves Fire Orbs (Flame Wheel) and Chain Lightning (Thunderbolt).
  • A staple for high-damage setups.

Damage Tome

  • Straight damage & benefits pets too (based on community tests).
  • Evolves Dragon's Breath, making early clears much easier.
  • Solid universal buff for most weapon choices.

B Tier Tomes

Critical Strike Tome

  • Raises crit rate/damage, especially with Rogue gear.
  • Technically evolves Hammers, but that doesn't help much.
  • A nice final damage buff once the essentials are secured.

Armor Tome

  • Defensive boost for survival; key in Nightmare Mode or "flagpole" builds.
  • Does not evolve a top weapon, but when you need defense, you need it.
  • Vital for tanky setups in early game or Leprechaun builds too.

C Tier Tomes

Life Tome

  • Evolves Ice Wand (Frost Nova), which is extremely helpful.
  • Modest value in pure survival situations.
  • Not a top overall buff, but serviceable if you want that evolution.

Coin Tome

  • Boosts gold gains, perfect if you're farming known-clear content.
  • No direct damage or control benefit.
  • Great synergy with Leprechaun and Santa for gold-focused sessions.

D Tier Tomes

Evasion Tome

  • Evolves Poison Darts (already low-tier).
  • Rarely worthwhile outside of Leprechaun or niche dodge builds.
  • If you're desperate for extra dodge, consider it, but it's not great.


Whether you're spinning to win in the early game with Dragon's Breath or blasting apart late-game content with Bombs, Fire Orbs, and Ice Wand, choosing the right mix of weapons and tomes is the key to survival.

Some are best for farming, some for pure progression, and others for specialized modes like Nightmare and Arena. Hopefully, this guide gives you a clear sense of how to prioritize your upgrades and forge investments.

No matter your style, remember that synergy matters more than any single pick—so keep an eye on those evolutions, and good luck taking down the hordes!

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