My Take In Real Time
New dungeon event should be fun. Time to climb another leaderboard!
I hope the new adventure hero has an intersting mechanic. Shield warden, sentry specialist, necromancer, all interesting. Another boring DPS dealer, can do without.
- iOS: 🔎 (In Review)
- Android: 🔎 (In Review)
🔥 Dungeon Rework 🔥
Dive into the new and improved dungeon experience!
- Leagues removed - replaced with stages for a better progression system.
- Your current dungeon league has been migrated to specific stages, so you won't have to start over. No worries!
- Global leaderboard introduced, replacing league leaderboards.
- Dungeons now always live instead of just 3 days a week!
- Run duration reduced from 10 to 5 minutes for faster, action-packed runs.
- 1 Torch (ticket) per day (2 with the Hero Pass).
- Almost unlimited stages! Challenge yourself and push to the top!
New Dungeon Sweep Mechanic
- Sweep mechanic is free for all players!
- Instantly claim victory for any previously beaten stage.
- Sweeps count as wins and grant rewards but do not affect the leaderboard rankings.
💬 Let us know what you think about the dungeon rework! ♥️
⚔️ New Adventure ⚔️
- The hero remains a mystery, but this time he/she arrives with the forge and evolution! 🔥
- Going live on the 8th of February!
⚙️ QoL Updates
- Added notifications on equipment items when a free slot is available.
- The skip button in the intro screen was moved to the bottom for better accessibility.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed Colosseum notification appearing in Event Hub before it was unlocked.
- Fixed Arena HUD being visible in Event Hub before unlocking.
- Fixed background scaling issues with bubbles.
💝 Update now and dive into the fresh dungeon experience, upcoming adventure, and QoL improvements! 🚀