Release Notes 2.6.0 - NEW Chain Lightening, More NMM Levels, And Other Changes

My Take In Real Time

Super excited to try out the new NMM chapters. Let's see if The Snowman is up for the challenge.

I always appreciate faster load times.

Moving Chain Lightening off of cooldown helps Werebeast tremendously at 90% detail screen cooldown. It also means no base weapon evolves off of cooldown.


  • iOS: 🔎 (In Review)
  • Android: 🔎 (In Review)

QoL Features / Adjustments

  • Auto-Scroll in Collection Tabs: Tapping on tabs in the Collection will now auto-scroll to the next claimable item.
  • Faster Loading Times: Optimized loading times when switching between the Main Screen and Gameplay.
  • Battle Pass Update: Starting from February, you'll be able to choose pet rewards in the Legend Pass.
  • Hero Clash Adjustment: Adjusted enemy HP scaling for the next Hero Clash to reduce the likelihood of draws.

Nightmare Mode (NMM)

  • New Chapters: Opened NMM up to Chapter 220.
  • Difficulty Adjustments: Reduced the difficulty of the first 120 stages for a smoother experience.

Chain Lightning + Evolution Rework

  • Performance Overhaul: Reworked to address performance issues and reduce clutter.
  • New Scaling Mechanic: The number of bounces now scales with Projectile Amount instead of Duration and Projectile Speed.
  • New Evolution Pairing: Evolves with the Duplicator Tome.
  • Evolution Effect: Now creates a damaging AoE discharge at each target hit.
  • Note: Although not mentioned in the weapon or forge, there is a small stun applied by chain lightning when it is evolved into thunderstorm and it hits an enemy.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Hero Skill Button upgrade text displaying incorrectly when the skill is locked.
  • Resolved lags when quickly upgrading Heroes, Weapons, or Pets.
  • Fixed Warlord's Wide Swing radius.
  • Resolved an issue where the Battle Pass sometimes wouldn't auto-collect rewards.
  • Fixed Runemaster's main attack not working in Hero Clash.
  • Addressed Crystalmancer's ultimate not damaging distant enemies.
  • Fixed pets being teleported outside the vertical playing field.
  • Resolved Griffin not attacking Mechanical Colossus and King of the Apes.
  • Fixed PvP leaderboard not showing skins if equipped.
  • Addressed a visual issue with Scrap Hammer (e.g., with Dust Devils).
  • Fixed the battery-saver screen appearing when the menu was opened.
  • Corrected sorting issues in the Pet Gacha Info window.
  • Fixed Lucky Wheel Info window descriptions.
  • Fixed the Login Calendar displaying incorrect coin bonuses beyond 420.
  • Resolved laggy movement with the Pitchfork weapon.
  • Fixed Pet upgrade level issues between 499-500.
  • Corrected details of level 500 pets not displaying on some accounts.
  • Fixed misalignment between open hero page tabs and tab buttons (e.g., Skins tab selected, but Level Up page displayed).
  • Fixed a bug that active pets stats impact passive pet skills.
  • Addressed animation issues with elemental monkeys.
  • Fixed wiggle animations in deployed pets.
  • Corrected incorrect skin display on skins page.

Spoiler Alert

We're hard at work on reworks of existing events and other exciting updates. Stay tuned!

Update now to enjoy smoother gameplay, thrilling content, and improved features!

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