Release Notes 2.10.0 - New AREAS, New NMM, And More

My Take In Real Time

  1. Fun new end-game content. I hope they make nightmare mode content hard, but not impossible.
  2. Dungeon adjustments make sense, given how Gold is not provided.
  3. Big bug buff for Sentry Specialist, who I already thought was strong.
  4. Big potential nerf to Santa if it was an actual bug and not a visual bug.
  5. Nice global fix for Dragon Empress.
Release 2 10 0 necrodrake


iOS: πŸ”Ž (In Review)

Android: πŸ”Ž (In Review)

πŸ‰ New Endgame Area: Dragon's Graveyard

Beware the Infernal Warden - once a mighty warrior, now an undying dragon!

From Kolz: Per discord, this will be additional Normal and Hard mode chapters, not a new event.

Release 2 10 0 infernal warden

πŸ’€ Nightmare Mode Expansion

Opened Nightmare Mode up to Chapter 260.

Who will be the first to conquer them all? πŸ˜‰

Release 2 10 0 skeletal warden

🏰 Dungeon Adjustments

  • Removed Coin and Shield Power-ups.
  • Added more enemies in the final seconds to increase the challenge!

βš™οΈ Quality of Life Improvements

  • Enemies now rush towards you in Normal and Hard mode during the Finish Them phase - no more chasing them down! πŸ˜‰
  • Added Hero Sorting to the Quick Selection panel.
  • Improved hero sorting - now easier-to-obtain heroes appear first when locked heroes are sorted.
  • Added Expedition completion sound effect.
  • Added a "flag fly" animation when starting a Pet Expedition.
  • Added a quantity slider for certain in-game purchases.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Sentry Specialist's Ultimate Turret Damage not scaling properly.
  • Fixed Rocket Pilot Love Bomber Skin.
  • Fixed Mid-Month Boost Gem description.
  • Fixed Heroes getting stuck in one place during Auto-Play.
  • Fixed enemy appearance data in Collection.
  • Fixed Astral Mage's black holes sometimes spawning outside the screen.
  • Fixed Blazetail's passive ability not working.
  • Fixed incorrect dust crafting notification in the shop.
  • Fixed Dark Ranger's default projectile sprite mistakenly using the Valentine's Day skin.
  • Fixed inconsistent equipment item sizes when switching between gems and equipment tabs.
  • Fixed weapon selection abuse when switching between Loadout and Collection panels.
  • Fixed Blademaster's additional attack after Ultimate ignoring Evolution.
  • Fixed Nature Monkey pet's passive emitting an unintended sound.
  • Fixed confusing description in Pet Gacha probabilities panel.
  • Fixed Lucky Spin Exchange currencies and item stock not resetting for new events.
  • Fixed Santa December effect stats appearing outside of December.
  • Fixed potential blocker in the Pet Expedition tutorial.
  • Fixed Smoke Bomb range being static.
  • Fixed some bubbles not wiggling as intended.
  • Fixed Dragon Empress's level 90 global stat, which previously had no effect.
  • Fixed Echo global stat, which previously had no effect.

πŸ”₯ Upcoming: Boss Brawl Rework!

We're working on a Boss Brawl rework with new and unique mechanicsβ€”stay tuned! πŸ‘€

πŸ’₯ Update now and take on the Infernal Warden in Dragon's Graveyard! πŸ’₯

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