Hey heroes, Kolz here. Today, I'm going to be walking you through Hero Clash in Heroes vs. Hordes.
It goes along with Boss Brawl as another way to compete against other players in the game to earn rewards. While in Boss Braw,l everyone fights against the same boss, in Hero Clash, you're actually fighting against other heroes.
In fact, it's fun to try and find the people in your guild and fight against them.
You win battles in Hero Clash to move up in leagues and earn tokens to exchange in the Hero Clash shop.
You can earn some *amazing* rewards in the Hero Clash shop, at least according to the game.
In this guide, I'm going to walk you through:
We'll start off with base mechanics and go from there. You need to learn to walk before you can run or, in this case, clash.
The Hero Clash event lasts a week and occurs every other week, so you get about two of them per month.
Each day, you're awarded five tickets. You use the tickets to fight other heroes.
You get five tickets a day, whether you win or lose. Unlike in other game modes, if you enter into a run in Hero Clash and then immediately exit within the first 10 seconds, you will not get your ticket back; it'll be a forfeited match. So you have to start fighting once you load into a Hero Clash.
For every winning match, you get league trophies. You get more league trophies against opponents that have more league trophies. And your goal is to accumulate as many trophies as possible to move up in the leagues and get end-of-season rewards.
You can expect to get between 30 to 35 tokens if you challenge the first two heroes on the select screen. Lower-tier competition will award anywhere from 10-30 tokens. Try to continuously challenge one of the top two if you can, but it's better to beat a lower-ranked hero than lose to a higher one.
Exchange tokens carry over from season to season, so you'll be saving up for a while - read months.
You want to constantly refresh your opponents before fighting. That will ensure that you're fighting against opponents with the most league tokens, which means you'll earn more for beating them.
Next to each opponent and yourself is a power score. The power score is a good indicator of how strong your opponent is relative to you. However, you need to mentally double the power score of your opponents in order to fairly compare against yourself.
For example, I have a 203 million power score, and an artificer has a 102 million power score. In Hero Clash, that opponent's true power score is closer to 200 million. Therefore, fighting him would actually be a very close match.
Insteead, I'm looking for people with substantially lower power scores than me. There might be a second Santa with a power score of only 300,000. That's an order of magnitude lower than me and would be a sure win.
If you're coming across tough opponents, wait until closer to the next ticket refresh. You will typically get weaker opponents as they make their way up the trophy ladder.
You can scout your opponent for a bit more information by clicking on their hero's portrait.
On their detail screen, you can check out their equipment and talent levels. For example, that 100 million Artificier I mentioned earlier really had a talent level of 946 and an equipment level 720. So he's in full mythic gear, and he's got 100 talent levels for me.
So even though his power score is 100 million lower for some reason, he's as strong, if not stronger than I am. So that'll be a close match.
There are certain modifiers for Hero Clash that you want to know about. In no particular order:
Note: Weapons and Tomes get maxed out automatically when selected, like in Arena. So that makes weapons more valuable than tomes, especially early in a Clash.
Here's my general take on hero priority for Hero Clash. Your opinion may differ; these are not in order; they are just numbered for visual clarity.
1. Artificer. The best hero that I've seen so far is Artificer. If you can get him up to five-star Forge, he's the top-tier best hero in Hero Clash.
2. Clockwork Mage. Clockwork Mage is very good, and it's the best one that I have. She over-indexes on cooldown, and you don't want cooldown tome, so she has a lower ceiling than other heroes on the best-of list.
3. Warlord. Warlord is also very strong. For the same reason he's strong in Nightmare Mode, he can actually get hit and heal through it.
4. Oracle. The other big one that you'll see a lot on the top of the leaderboards is Oracle. Her AoE damage is great for this mode. Again, anything with AoE and circular damage is going to do fantastic. She fits that bill.
5. Necromancer. And the other big one is Necromancer. Necromancer can use his minions to tank forever and ever. And so Necromancer is incredibly strong in Hero and Hero Clash.
6.Werebeast. I've seen people do okay with Werebeast.
7. Monk. Monk is also good. If you have Monk at four or five-star Forge, Monk is also very good.
Anything with massive amounts of AoE.
I've seen a lot of people try and use Santa. Don't use Santa for this mode. His skills don't do damage, and his levels don't do damage. He's all focused on farming, so even if you have three-star Santa, he's not worth using in Hero Clash.
A few heroes, including Werebeast and Clockwork Mage, have too much cooldown. They'll naturally go over the 40% cap. And unfortunately, all that is wasted. Heroes that go over that cap, especially somebody like Werebeast, who goes way over that cap just from an innate cooldown, lose damage relative to other heroes who naturally fall below it.
You equip slightly different gear and jewels for Hero Clash because the modifiers limit cooldown and because of how level-up works in the early part of Hero Clash.
You're going to start with your standard DPS build, which is Rogue Helm, Gloves, and Necklace, followed by Ranger Boots and Wizard Ring. Because Instant Kill is disabled, we go with Wizard Ring over the Rogue Ring here, but I could see an argument for keeping Rogue Ring for the set bonus.
Now, the one slight adjustment that I make to Hero Clash is I substitute the Rogue Chest for the Ranger Chest. I do that because the Ranger Chest, at least when you get to Ascended, gives you additional reshuffles. The additional reshuffles per run will let you optimize for getting the best weapons at the beginning of a clash. But because Hero Clash ends so quickly, getting the best weapons is super important.
There are also no bosses, so Rogue Chest offers little value.
So that's typically how I set up my build. A Rogue Helm, Ranger Armor, Ranger Boots, Rogue Gloves, Rogue Necklace, and Wizard Ring.
Now, weapon priority in Hero Clash is a little bit different than in other events in Heroes vs Hordes. Priority weapons in Hero Clash are all based on AoE. So you're looking for something like Bomb, Fire Orbs, or anything else that has circular AoE around you.
Smoke Bomb is strong if you have it. Borer is a solid 3rd or 4th weapon. Crossbow isn't bad for applying vulnerability to round out your build. I've also seen divine aura work as a last weapon for the AoE pushback.
You want weapons over tomes because weapons are the equivalent of five levels, and they do more damage. Tomes are only three levels and exist to amplify weapon damage. So we're looking to get at least two weapons in our initial rolldown.
This is also why we took the Ascended Ranger Chest because it gives us additional rolls in this early roll down. And Hero Clash doesn't get much past level two or three, so you're only going to get to choose like four or five weapons. Therefore, weapon selection becomes super important.
Tome priority is area tome, followed by duplicator and damage tome, which are kind of equal depending on whether or not you got fire orbs and can evolve them.
Past that, you're not really gonna get any more tomes, but something like Crit Tome would be a good one to get.
All of this assumes you've hit your cool-down cap of 40% in this mode via talents and gear. If not, then Cooldown Tome is probably your top priority.
Upgrading weapons beyond your primary weapon is not something I prioritize early. I've found you get more damage from getting more weapons than straight evolving something like Bomb early.
The other big difference from a typical normal or hard mode build is in the jewels.
My typical jewel setup is built around cooldown and hitting the cooldown cap of 60% in normal and hard mode. However, in Hero Clash, the cooldown cap is set at 40%, so we're going to optimize around that.
I end up substituting out most of my cooldown jewels for an area of effect jewels because I hit the 40% cap from gear and talents. If you're not at the 40% cap, then include cooldown jewels until you hit the 40% cap.
And then you want your two ultimate jewels, vulnerability jewels, and Projectile P and Projectile M jewels at the end.
In Hero Clash, you use your pets that do the most damage.
I go with my highest rarity pet at the highest level, which in this case is my Hydro Basilisk. And I support it with my two other pets that do the most damage. In this case, it's both Emberpaw and Crystalsaurus.
I could also probably use Pyrokraken instead of Emberpaw and net out to about the same DPS.
Early in the game, right, you're going to use Pyrokraken as a main pet and maybe Emberpaw and a Striker as a passive. And as you get better pets, you're going to have your epic pet be your main, and then Pyrokrkaen and Emberpaw will be your passive pets.
The last part of Hero Clash is the rewards. You can exchange your Hero Clash tokens for rewards in the shop. As I mentioned earlier, tokens roll over to the next event, so don't feel pressured to spend them all.
Hero Clash is a grind, and it will take you a while to buy anything in the shop.
You're going to see the heroes at the top, and those seem the most glitzy. In fact, I bought Lionheart for 125,000 tokens, thinking like at least I'd have some global buffs that would be helpful.
And… they're not.
These heroes are just like a total token sink. So I know it feels really bad to say, "Don't get the heroes in this event," but… don't get the heroes in this event.The actual best things you can get are the tokens for weapons, especially high-value special weapon tokens.
Usually, each week, one of the weapons will be a special weapon, like the borer or smoke bomb. I would try to buy those as you see them.
Early in the game, you might consider getting fire orbs or bomb tokens because you do need to buy 3,000 of them with super tokens. At least I did. Buying 1000 here will save you one week of Arena super tokens.
Another good purchase is the tokens for a specific hero. I've actually bought Monk's weapon tokens from this shop. So I think that was a good buy.
At a high level, I would advocate that you get past the token sinks of the heroes and kind of mentally just prepare yourself for buying weapon tokens.
Now, if you want the hero just because you, like, want to Pokemon it and collect them all, go for it.
As part of the season pass, you can pay money to get additional Clash tokens and tickets per day. I don't think that's worth it at all. Hero Clash takes forever, and the rewards aren't that fantastic. Instead, get used to the grind.
So, to recap, the most important parts of Hero Clash are:
And I'm Kolz, a high-level HvH player. This is my guide to Hero Clash. Feel free to ask me questions here on Reddit or on Discord. Feel free to DM me on Discord to help you go through anything in more detail that you want.
And remember, always do your adventures!